
4 Ways To Strengthen Biotech Investor Relations


Investment markets are some of the best places where organizations can realize fast growth and unlock the resources that they need to grow and expand their businesses. But it is also in the same markets that firms are exposed to the real forces of economic and regulatory dynamics.

If you are in the biotech industry, for instance, investors will tend to view and value your company differently, especially when compared to other companies in other industries. While other companies are valued based on their expected profitability versus their cash flows and other investment vehicles, biotech companies are expected to only attain profitability in the long-term, which is also subject to a substantial amount of risk.

So, biotech investor relations is a scary beast and playing and winning the biotech IR game require unique strategies. As a guide, here are 4 tips that you can leverage to strengthen your biotech investor relations:

Announce your progress via Email Updates

One of the best ways of keeping good relationships with investors is ensuring that they have up-to-date information about your company. The best way to do this is to send periodic updates to your current list of investors or potential investors. Consider sending email newsletters that include some of the recent events that your company is undertaking or progress towards reaching certain milestones and projects. If your investors know about your projects in time, they can often help you with any issues that you may be facing.

Contribute to multiple investor-friendly media outlets

In most cases, potential investors want to hear your thoughts about certain industry trends, but if you only focus on the biotech industry or popular investment and technology blogs, your reach may be limited. Find out other media outlets that are being read by your current list of investors as well as potential investors to see if there is something you can contribute.

Have a plan

Do you have a biotech investor relations plan? Do you know the ideas that capture investors’ interest? Why are your current investors looking for your recent financial updates and other corporate communications? How can your new operation policies align with your investor relation goals? What are your company’s investment needs right now? If you can answer these questions, your investor relations will become apparent because you will know the best message to convey to your potential investors. If your current budget doesn’t have any room for ‘extras’, think about how you will devise strategies that will best move the needle for your biotech investor relations.

Get Professional Help

Most of the biotech companies that are trying to strengthen their investor relations are simply checking a few boxes and not getting much out of their efforts. In fact, very few biotech companies have even considered capturing the massive audience that social media offers to engage with potential investors and open an ongoing dialogue. Investing in inbound biotech investor relations professionals can guide you and help you advance through the learning curve.

Strengthening investor relations in the biotech industry is not complicated as it may sound, especically if you have help from a company like LifeSci advising. It can be done and doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Start with the above 4 strategies and take your investor relations to the next level.

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