
How to balance your day job and side hustle?


Launching a side hustle while working a full-time job is rewarding but demanding. Without careful planning, your side gig could end up burning you out, negatively impacting your day job performance. Finding the right balance takes effort but is essential for avoiding exhaustion. Start by defining your priorities and ideal scenario. Determine how much time you want to devote to your side hustle versus your day job. Set boundaries so one doesn’t take over the other. Outline what success looks like for both roles. If you prioritize growing your business over climbing the corporate ladder, or vice versa, it will steer your decisions. Identify any non-negotiables critical for your happiness.

Schedule your time wisely 

With your priorities set, create a schedule that reflects them. Block offset hours for your side hustle, and protect that time fiercely. Schedule focused intervals of deep work on your business, while reserving mornings or weekends for your main income source. Use a calendar to divide your time wisely. Don’t let non-essential meetings or tasks bleed into side hustle time. Limit checking emails, social media, and messaging during those blocks. Explain when you are available for meetings and requests versus when you need uninterrupted side hustle time. Setting expectations upfront prevents misunderstandings down the road. Just be sure to meet your work responsibilities first and foremost.

Find your optimal energy hours

Pay attention to when you have peak energy, focus, and creativity for your side hustles for 2023 and beyond. For night owls, early morning work sessions might not be productive. Or mornings could be when you tackle complex analysis in your 9-5. Identify your prime hours for both roles and schedule activities accordingly. Don’t waste your energy peak for one role on lower-priority tasks for the other. Build in small breaks between switching from your day job tasks to your side hustle work. Even 15-30 minutes to take a walk, grab a snack, or listen to music helps provide mental separation. Establish little rituals that cue your mindset to change gears. It prevents mental fatigue from context switching too rapidly.

Set progress-based goals

Rather than scheduling long 4-6 hour blocks on your side hustle, set goals to accomplish X task in 1-2 hour sprints. For example, finish editing a client deliverable, record one podcast episode, or publish one blog post. Having defined outcomes for each session keeps you focused. Celebrate small wins often to stay motivated. Consider seeking tasks that are commonly outsourced, such as advertising, web development, bookkeeping, virtual assistance, and more. It ensures your precious time is spent on high-impact activities only you can tackle. Say no to non-essential tasks. 

Check in with yourself 

Periodically check in on your happiness, stress levels, health, relationships, and finances. If either role starts suffering, reassess your priorities. Be willing to make adjustments to find a better equilibrium. Watch for burnout warning signs like irritability, lack of focus, impaired sleep, or physical fatigue. Celebrate milestones in your side hustle and don’t forget to reward yourself periodically. Plan fun weekend trips, social outings with friends, time with family, and other outlets that bring you joy. Enjoying hobbies and downtime outside of work is crucial for avoiding exhaustion. 

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