
How to write an effective email


Whether you’re sending a PR pitch, replying to a work colleague or responding to a job advertisement, emailing is a core communication tool for you and your business. Although emailing is a simple task, it can be challenging to communicate effectively.

As public relations professionals, the team at Adoni Media have mastered the art of effective email writing. Here are their top tips.

Be selective

It is important to not overcommunicate via email. Be selective with the information you choose to share and include a call to action so the recipient can contact you via phone or in person, or refer to a website or external source, to gain more information. Technology can be temperamental at times, so be mindful of sharing overly sensitive or personal information in emails as there is always a risk of them not being secure.

Subject lines are important

The subject line of your email should grab the reader’s attention and briefly summarise the contents of the email. If your email is a regular communication method, such as a weekly or monthly report, make sure you include the date in the subject line. If your email is a short reminder you can even fit the whole message into the subject line using EOM (End of Message) to let the reader know they don’t need to open the email for more information.

Be polite

Although emails can be less formal, they still reflect your own professionalism, values and attention to detail. It is important to know who you are communicating with. If you are communicating with a work colleague, you may be less formal and use slang and jargon, whereas if you are emailing a potential employer, for example, you should use language which is more formal and professional.

Watch your tone

Body language, facial expressions and tone of voice are used face-to-face to clearly convey a message and show how a person feels. Unfortunately, those physical and auditory cues are taken away when sending emails so be mindful of how your message will be received. Your choice of words, sentence length and punctuation can be easily misinterpreted – and remember, things like sarcasm and irony don’t always work in a written form.


Before you hit send, ALWAYS re-read your email for grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes. If your email is long, consider how you can shorten it so you don’t lose your reader’s attention. If you are responding to an email, make sure you have answered all the questions asked and you clearly put your message across. Also check that you have attached any documents or links that you refer to in your email, and that they work.

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