
Is Swing Trading Profitable?


Swing trading is one of the most profitable means of making money in the stock market. There are a lot of chances for you to make good money provided you have three mantras on your mind when it comes to swing trading.

Three main factors for making profits in swing trading 

The factors are listed below:

  • Strategy
  • Opportunity
  • Position size


One cannot expect all the stocks you invest in the swing trading to work well in the first instance itself. One can draw a strategy for oneself only after a lot of trial and error. So, don’t have a thought in mind that the best strategy that has worked well for others would work well for you as well. You need to tailor-make your strategy. It involves time, patience, and research.


One is aware of the fact that swing trading is profitable and possible in all kinds of stock markets. Devising a strategy takes a whole lot of effort. At the same time, checking whether the particular strategy would work well for the stocks or not requires even more effort. This is because the capital cannot be put in an idle state for long hours together.

Position size 

The size of your trade at present doesn’t determine what sort of output it would bring. There are a whole lot of other factors that need to be considered as well. As swing trading takes a significant amount of time, one must know as to how well a stock would perform in the coming days.


When you invest in swing trading, you tend to assess the value of the stocks in the long run. In the case of day trading, the value doesn’t hold much power as it is bought and sold within a very short period itself.

These are some of the factors you need to know whether swing trading is profitable or not. It is indeed a profitable business when it is done right and in the right direction. When you take haphazard decisions in swing trading, then everything else tends to collapse. Generally, the experts provide you with better advice on which stocks would work well for swing trading.

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