
Look for the best Retirement Planning for You



With increasing life expectancy, the average retirement period is twice as long as 50 years ago and can easily last up to 30 years. It is therefore important to plan it well, until it is disbursed. The notion of retirement has changed a lot in recent years. We are no longer talking about a retirement, but about several retirements. More active, attracted by travel and major projects, new retirees sometimes hold part-time jobs, start with early retirement or take various training courses. For retirement planning you will need the best choices there.

You have to think of retirement like any other life project that requires planning

Each case is unique. It may be advantageous, for example, to wait a few years before applying to the Pension Plan and thus benefit from a higher pension the rest of your life.

It is estimated that a person who waits at age 65 to apply for a retirement pension could receive up to $ 70,000 more during retirement. This estimate is based on the average life expectancy, which is 87 years for a person currently aged 65. You can choose the retirement plans for the best results.

Consult before disbursing

This is why it is beneficial to hire a financial planner for retirement planning spartanburg sc, even before you retire. “Disbursement strategies are as important as investment strategies have been. The goal of this strategy is to distribute retirement savings well in order to meet financial needs throughout retirement, in addition to being able to respond to the unexpected.

  • Women’s retirement is generally longer than that of men. Indeed, at a given age, life expectancy is not the same according to sex. In this case, a 65-year-old woman in 2011 would live, according to recent actuarial studies, to 87 years, three years more than a man of the same age. New retirees will therefore need retirement income for more than 20 years. It is therefore important that women today save as soon as possible given this inescapable reality.
  • Obviously, there is the old age security pension and pensions. But, you should know that for a person with an average income of $ 45,000, public plans will replace, at most, 44% of this income once retirement. “If they do not take the essential steps now to properly plan for their retirement, many working women in Quebec could compromise their financial security in retirement. The best retirement plans are available now.

Given the particularities of “feminine retirement”, women have a real interest in planning early in their working life to ensure their financial security in retirement. The president therefore invites them, on this very dedicated day, to take the time to learn about and plan their future financial needs, as well as to start now to make various calculations and scenarios with the tools. simple and user-friendly available.

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