
What should one consider before choosing a cloud service for their business


There is a significant change in technology and how data is handled and organized. Gone are the days when people stored data in large files that used to be kept in cabinets. This data was unorganized, and most of the time, we refer to it as redundancy. Data was cumbersome to organize, and it would take ages for one to sort this data. But thanks to the cloud, a large amount of data can be kept secure with no redundancy, and retrieval of this data is effortless. So as a business, you enjoy much when you have cloud services in your model of business. However, before fully deploying cloud services, there are some factors that one needs to consider. These factors are as outlined here below.

  1. The delivery model.

When we talk about the delivery model in the cloud, we mean the form on which you will get the procurement of cloud services. Usually, you get a cloud solution in three forms. These forms include public, private, and hybrid. When you choose the public model, you have a quick and collaborative way of sharing data. The public cloud allows you a space to share your data. Security here might not be much guaranteed. But when you choose the private model, you have greater control over data sharing, and you can be sure that security is guaranteed.

On the other hand, the hybrid model combines the features of the public and the private model. The hybrid offers more security and control compared to the public model. Therefore, it is up to you as a business owner to decide on the model that works for you. If you have clients who are more concerned over their data security, it would help if you choose the model with more control over security.

  1. Availability to do a trial before full deployment.

If you are new to cloud services, things might not work automatically, as we may tend to think. Something new is always challenging and overwhelming.  You are not sure if you need this service or not.  So, it useful to get a vendor who offers you the trial version of the service. This helps ensure that you get to test what you have to put in installation. The trial enables you to be sure about the service that you are choosing. If you are not satisfied during the trial period, it is always cool to change and get a better version. So, we can say that a trial period gives the opportunity of tasting before altogether paying for this service. Typically, it is encouraged to be very sure before you spend this any cloud service. Remember, you are buying a space to store your trusted customer’s data. Some might have sensitive data and so be very keen when choosing the service. It is advised to take this trial period to ask all the questions that you might have to be sure about the cloud services that you are choosing.

  1. Ability to do customization.

It would help if you were keen to choose cloud services that allow you to make changes as your business grow. Remember, the industry is growing, and therefore a rigid cloud is not suitable for your business. Everyday you are getting new customers, and things are changing now and ten. So, if you cannot customize your data, then this will be detrimental to you. It means you have very little space for growth. If you are foreseeing future changes in your business process, it is always cool to choose the cloud service model to accommodate these changes. Failure to do so might make you go and get a new vendor. You will have to migration of data, which is not simple, and there might be a corruption of some data in the process, so be very keen to get it right here.

  1. Data recovery services.

Data is susceptible as you continue to process it in your business; you will realize this. It is vulnerable to changes, corruption, and even loss. It would help if you were very keen to ensure that the cloud services you choose offer you a data recovery option in case these events happen. This will give you the confidence that your customer’s data will be available no matter what happens. Usually, it is good to test these capabilities before settling fully on a vendor. If that cloud services that you are choosing are hosted off-site, then this factor is super important. Make sure the vendor is well equipped to do this.

Therefore, we can conclude that it is important to get I right when it comes to cloud services. Be sure that a vendor that you choose meets the above factors. Otherwise, you might lose much if you make the wrong choice. Vendors like Strategic blue will help you much when it comes to these services.

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