
Why choose a preferred UEN Number?


All businesses and regional companies lawfully operating in Singapore have one thing in familiar (as it is a requirement) – they all have a Unique Identity Number (UEN Number). A UEN Identification Number in Singapore is a necessary provision because industries will require to depend on it when transacting and marketing with government agencies.

Once a corporation has been encompassed and enrolled with the ACRA, in Singapore, a UEN number will be developed and this is the number that will be employed to specify the registered business commodity moving ahead. This number is generated free of charge for all companies.

Since the 9th of February 2018, business holders have been prepared to choose a preferred UEN Number for company. For a small payment, business holders can choose from a secretive list of UENs during the incorporation and enrollment procedure or during modification. The preferred UEN number is recognized as a Special UEN or SUN for brief. SUNs are elective and if you think there isn’t a necessity for your business to choose a preferred UEN Number for company, you can go forward and stick with the free system-generated UENs.

What is the Purpose of a SUN?

SUNSs are utilized by business holders to effortlessly identify with their number and more greatly, know the number whenever they are needed to accomplish any transactions with government agencies. Remember a number you elect is more susceptible than remember a sequel of haphazardly produced digits that probably carry no substantial importance for you.

How Would I Apply for a SUN if I Needed One?

A SUN can be pertained by business holders during the incorporation and registration procedure or the modification to another category of business element. The choice to assign your SUN will be accessible during the expense stage for transactions in Bizfile.

How does UEN influence you?

  • UEN shall be your business’s sole identification number for interchange with government agencies.
  • UEN rebuilds all other identification numbers handed out to them by various government agencies.
  • For instance, you can utilize it for documenting your corporate tax returns, about import and export licenses, or fulfilling the worker’s CPF contribution.
  • Businesses and local corporations presently registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) will maintain their ACRA Registration Number as their UEN. The purpose of this is to minimize the effect of UEN as these two entity types constitute 85% of all enrolled entities in Singapore.

UEN is an iGov2010 ambition to please consumers and engage residents through Infocomm. It is a multi-agency drive, co-led by the Ministry of Finance and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, and governed by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, in coalition with other government agencies. The program of having a UEN was mooted in 2005. A common consultation activity was accomplished from December 2005 to January 2006. Now, government agencies do not have a common marker number for entities. Entities have to utilize various identification numbers to interact with various government agencies. This is inappropriate for the entities and inadequate for the government. The UEN, being a sole marker number for interchanges with the government will generate comfort, simplify and lessen possible mistakes resulting in the use of multiple numbers, thus speeding up transactions with government agencies.

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